Low Light Baubles

Leica CL + Zeiss Jena 24mm f2.8 Macro

Another attempt at photographing in low light. These are all at ISO 1600, f2.8 and 1/60.

The noise is actually not very noticeable in the busy and colourful parts of the image, but you can see it in the pale green swathe of wall.

My husband thinks that the noise resembles film grain, and is therefore not so bad. I kind of agree, especially in black and white. But then I am not a fan of grainy film photos either!

I would not normally be interested in taking these types of photos, and generally almost never photograph at ISOs over 800 {with the exception of occasional film photos using Ilford Delta 3200}. But after seeing other people’s photos taken with the CL in crazy low light at high ISOs, I became curious to give it a try.

At 1600 I would say the photos are tolerable. When I went up to 3200, I thought the noise was too much. I will keep trying at the higher ISOs, experimenting with different settings.


Urban Woodland Wonderland


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