Zeiss Jena Flektagon 35mm

Zeiss Jena Flektagon 35mm f2.8

In addition to the Voigtlander Colour Skopar, my other 35mm lens is the M42 mount Zeiss Jena Flektagon. Considering there is a 50 year age difference between the two lenses, I actually think the Flektagon is amazing - and not dissimilar in the way it renders. There does not seem to be as much swirly field distortion with the Flektagon as with the other Zeiss Jena lenses I’ve used from the same era, which means I can use it for photos of knitwear without the background being distracting. I do notice a difference between the two lenses, and am pretty sure I would be able to identify whether a photo was taken with the Voigtlander Skopar vs the Zeiss Flektagon 35mm. However, I am not sure I can articulate this difference. Partly it’s a matter of a difference in mood. But also the Voigtlander seems to be ‘creamier’ whereas the Zeiss ‘grittier’ in the way they render textures, especially skin and fabric. Yes, I think that is a good way to describe the difference I am seeing.


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