Put On Your Red Shoes and Dance
I decided to go out on my roadbike today for the first time in a while. And when I got back, for some insane reason decided to photograph my clipless cycling shoes. {And yes, I’ve put the filthy shoes on the kitchen table to do this. I have since cleaned it!}
I have been cycling for transportation, more or less every day, for over 12 years now. I do not own a car, so whenever I get around it is by bicycle. However, roadcycling {as in on a ‘sporty’ bike, with special shoes &clothing}, is a different kettle of fish and my relationship with it has been on and off. Lately it has been mostly off - but maybe that will change this year.
Probably the reason I wanted to photograph the shoes, is to see what the red patent leather would look like in the photos. In the past I would have had problems with the reflectiveness and with the red blowing out. Using my current equipment that does not seem to be an issue though, which is useful to know. The days of avoiding red garment samples like the plague may be over!