A New Space

If you’ve stumbled upon this website early, this is where the new knitting blog will be - but it isn’t quite ready yet. I am working on migrating posts from the old LB Handknits website, and this process is turning out to be less straightforward than I had hoped. But it will eventually be done, hopefully soon.

I would like to say at the start, that this website will not be the same as LB Handknits. After 3 years now of working as a knitting pattern designer, I am still relatively new to the culture of this industry, and I am still trying to figure out what works for me. More specifically, I am trying to find a sustainable {for me} balance between creating patterns vs communicating and interacting with a growing audience. I am frequently encouraged to do more of the latter. But my dilemma is, that the more I delve into the latter, the more negatively it impacts my ability to do the former. So finding that balance has been a bit of a struggle.

It is not my intention to close myself off. But I need to do what works for me, if I am going to continue working at all. And one thing I am now fairly confident does not work for me, is taking on a role of advice-giver, tutorial-maker or instructor. And I do realises that these are precisely the things which many people find useful about my online presence, and want more of. But I am not the right person to give them to you, and if that is disappointing I fully accept it.

That said, I do feel that I have things to share. I would like to show a wider creative context to my designs, sharing some of my work in photography and perhaps later also my painting and printmaking work. I would like to share my thoughts on the creative process. I would like to share my somewhat atypical history and experiences as a ‘vernacular’ knitter of mixed heritage. I would like to disclose more about my educational background and former academic career, and discuss how they tie into my design work. And I would like to express my thoughts on various aspects of the present-day ‘knitting culture’ for lack of a better term, including the human rights, civil rights, and geopolitical influence issues on which I have been struggling to articulate my opinion.

If any of these things are of interest to you, you are very welcome to visit here and enter a dialogue. And if you were hoping for tutorials, videos, advice - I will eventually compile a resource list of persons whose skills in this realm are far superior to mine, and whose content I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for visiting my new space.


A Universe of Making


Mind the Gauge. Ignore the Needle Size